***plays 2-2
** plays 4-0
* plays 9-6
This weeks numbers...
Pred. Std.
Team Line Avg. Diff. Dev. Play
Arizona -12.00 -8.30 3.70 4.87 *
Tulsa 38.00 31.94 6.06 5.59 ***
UCONN -16.00 19.04 3.04 8.32 *
Ball St. -14.00 -10.24 3.76 8.57 *
Maryland 14.50 10.69 3.81 5.67 *
Fresno -9.50 -2.36 7.14 6.56 ***
Georgia 28.50 36.82 8.32 9.54 **
Iowa 37.00 41.37 4.37 9.07 *
Houston 27.50 23.60 3.90 6.30 *
Troy St. 24.50 18.61 6.24 7.89 **
Utah St. 32.00 27.79 4.21 5.38 *
N Tex 15.50 18.61 3.11 5.38 *
Virg. -3.00 -10.58 7.58 9.98 **
San Jose 14.00 10.62 3.38 7.79 *
Marshall 19.00 11.41 7.59 6.24 ***
UAB -2.50 0.75 3.25 4.68 *
USC 22.00 28.00 6.00 10.10 **
Wake -7.50 -3.07 4.43 8.91 *
Last year, the avg. of the std. dev's decreased on a weekly basis. But this week the avg is higher than last weeks. Should be interesting to track these. Be back later with updates on line movements.
***plays 2-2
** plays 4-0
* plays 9-6
This weeks numbers...
Pred. Std.
Team Line Avg. Diff. Dev. Play
Arizona -12.00 -8.30 3.70 4.87 *
Tulsa 38.00 31.94 6.06 5.59 ***
UCONN -16.00 19.04 3.04 8.32 *
Ball St. -14.00 -10.24 3.76 8.57 *
Maryland 14.50 10.69 3.81 5.67 *
Fresno -9.50 -2.36 7.14 6.56 ***
Georgia 28.50 36.82 8.32 9.54 **
Iowa 37.00 41.37 4.37 9.07 *
Houston 27.50 23.60 3.90 6.30 *
Troy St. 24.50 18.61 6.24 7.89 **
Utah St. 32.00 27.79 4.21 5.38 *
N Tex 15.50 18.61 3.11 5.38 *
Virg. -3.00 -10.58 7.58 9.98 **
San Jose 14.00 10.62 3.38 7.79 *
Marshall 19.00 11.41 7.59 6.24 ***
UAB -2.50 0.75 3.25 4.68 *
USC 22.00 28.00 6.00 10.10 **
Wake -7.50 -3.07 4.43 8.91 *
Last year, the avg. of the std. dev's decreased on a weekly basis. But this week the avg is higher than last weeks. Should be interesting to track these. Be back later with updates on line movements.